Tech Bytes: Instagram rolls out feature night time feature

Tech Bytes: Instagram rolls feature to keep kids off the app at night

Instagram is rolling out a new feature to limit the time teens spend on the app at night. The new feature is called night time nudges. If a teen is on Instagram for more than 10 minutes, it will encourage them to close the app and go to sleep.

Instagram is rolling out a new feature to limit the time teens spend on the app at night. the new feature is called “nighttime nudges.” If a teen is on Instagram for more than 10 minutes, it will encourage them to close the app and go to sleep. The “nudges” will come post 10 pm, with the prompt reading “time for a break?”

Microsoft is giving away its Artificial Intelligence powered reading tutor app for free. All you need to use “reading coach” is a Microsoft account. Microsoft says the latest AI technology offers the opportunity for personalized, transformative reading experiences.

Bose is out with new wireless earbuds that clip onto the ear. The company claims the “ultra open earbuds” distinctive design lets some outside noise in and allows users to wear them easily with hats or glasses. All that convenience for about $300.