Tech Bytes: Apple Music concerts

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A new report says Youtube recommendations are steering kids to gun-related videos.
Researchers posing as 9 and 14-year-olds found that Youtube’s algorithm pushed the content to boys interested in video games. It included school shootings and guides on converting guns to automatic weapons. Youtube has not commented on the report.

Google is adopting a “use it or lose it” policy with its accounts. Users who haven’t logged into Gmail, photos, and other apps for for at least two years will see those accounts disappear. The process will start in December.

Finally, Apple is making it easier to find local concerts. The new ‘set lists’ section on Apple Music, lets users find an artist’s upcoming shows, and see what songs they’re playing on tour.
Also, a new ‘maps’ feature shows future gigs at venues in major cities, including New York, AI and Chicago.