Animal Allies’ winter pet tips

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Nicole Facciotto from Animal Allies shared a few of her best tips to keep our pets comfortable in the winter months.

  1. Find a pet-safe salt or ice melt: “A lot of the typical ones you would find or the ones that they use on public roads and sidewalks are going to have a lot of chemicals and things in there that can irritate our dogs’ feet. And then obviously if they lick their feet, then they’re going to be ingesting it.” Facciotto suggests buying a pet-safe version or using kitty litter at your own home and wiping off pets’ paws after a walk on public streets.
  2. Monitor temperatures: “Especially here, things change so quickly. Just ensuring that if you’re uncomfortable, knowing that your dog probably will be too. There are going to be some exceptions that love being out in that cold and enjoying that snow, but just kind of knowing your own animals and making sure if they are seeming like they’re uncomfortable, shortening their time outside.”
  3. Keep an eye on their overall wellbeing: “You’ll know your pet best, and if they’re seeming uncomfortable, just taking note of that, getting those jackets and booties and anything you think that your smaller friends might need this winter season.”
  4. Be aware of paw irritation: “That’s kind of the biggest thing we hear a lot about is that paw irritation as the weather starts to drop and they’re spending more time in that cold temperature. Being aware if there’s fresh ice, a lot of pads can get stuck and torn.”

There are more resources on Animal Allies’ website.