Walk to End Alzheimer’s Range Area is coming up in Chisholm on September 16th

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s Range Area is coming up soon. It’s Saturday, September 16th at the Minnesota Discovery Center.

The check-in starts at 9am, with an opening ceremony at 10am with the walk to follow.

Their goal is to raise $85,000.

Liz Carlsen is the volunteer chair of the event. She lost her beloved Poppa to the disease back in 1992. “He was my father figure. A special Finlander, a retired teacher.”

So much has changed since then, and she wants to see that continue.

“There are treatments being worked on. And we want to make sure people know there is support out there,” Carlsen added.

To register or for more info: http://act.alz.org/rangearea

You don’t even have to walk to help. You can eat spaghetti! The Feed Your Noodle event is coming up on Friday, September 8th, at Valentini’s.