Virginia city workers notify city of intent to strike

Virginia city workers with AFSCME Local 454 notified city leadership of their intent to strike on Wednesday evening.

AFSCEME Council 65 put out a statement saying in part, “In mediation on Wednesday, February 21, the employer presented what they called a last, best, and final offer that would cut overtime pay, further lower employer contributions to insurance, and negatively impact other earned benefits.”

The statement continued, “The City Council has notified AFSCME leaders that the city will stop paying overtime to workers when they’ve had a sick day, vacation day, or a statutory holiday during the work week. If the city moves forward with this change, workers will not receive any recognition for extra time away from their families when asked to put in extra hours.”

Now that an intent to strike notice has been sent, there is a 10-day waiting period before a strike could begin.

Virginia Mayor Larry Cuffe, Jr. has stated, “The City’s intent has been and will continue to be to negotiate in good faith with AFSCME. We recognize the dedicated service our staff provides to the community and will maintain our resolve to advocate for a contract that recognizes the commitment of our staff while balancing the needs of City taxpayers”.