Veteran’s Day at the Bong Center

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John Gidley, Executive Director of the Bong Center, stopped by The Lift to explain Veterans Day and talk about upcoming programing.

Veteran’s Day started a Armistice Day as a part of World War I. The Treaty of Versailles ended the war on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, which how the day was set. During World War II, they switched the name to Veteran’s Day to encompass all veterans, not just the ones for World War I.

“There’s a lot of misconception about today because a lot of people come in and they think they need to be solemn and remember those that have passed, but Veteran’s Day is to celebrate what veterans have accomplished,” John Gidley tells us. “It’s okay to be happy on today.” He adds that when you see a vet you should thank them. And if you can, it’s always great to donate time or resources, as there is a lot of need in our community.

On Saturday, November 12th from 2pm-3pm, the center is hosting Dr. Ha H. Tuong, who will present his experiences as an ARVN soldier during the Vietnam War. He’s also an acclaimed author with his book, Two Minnows: Memoir of an ARVN soldier.

One of the many ways the the Bong Center supports veterans is to provide a Thanksgiving meal to service members, veterans, family, and widows. John adds that they don’t want anybody to be alone on this holiday. You can pick up a meal Thursday November 24th from 11:00am to 2:30pm. You can make reservations here.