Raging waterfalls at WI state parks

Increased snow melt has elevated water runoff to local creeks, rivers, and streams providing raging water flow over the falls.  Both Amnicon and Pattison State Parks are experiencing once-in-a-lifetime views of the local falls due to the above-average temperatures that we experienced last week, making the waterfalls a great place to enjoy the outdoors.

“This year is a little different,” said Natural Resources Property Supervisor, Gervase Thompson. “We all live up here and are kind of used to a lot of snow and what happens in the springtime. It is very impressive to see the amount of water flowing over the waterfalls at both parks.  It is something that we don’t see every year because typically we don’t have this much snow in mid to late April and then the extremely warm temperatures melt it all away.”

Amnicon and Pattison State Parks are open seven days a week. Guests are encouraged to wear weather-appropriate shoes and to stay on designated walkways. Visitors are required to purchase a vehicle admission sticker, details can be found here.