“The Heart of Addiction” premieres on Thursday in Virginia

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A documentary that dives into how scripture can help people struggling with addiction is about to make its debut.

Ward Smith is a barber by day. And during his free time, he’s a director! He’s behind the documentary, “The Heart of Addiction.”

“I want people to know there’s hope. Maybe people have been through a lot of programs, in and out, and this is what they need. It’s different and hits just at the right time,” Smith said.

The documentary is based around the book, The Heart of Addiction, written by Mark Shaw.

Smith and several others went to Kentucky to meet Shaw, and interview him for this film.

Shaw’s book is a key piece of the 2B Free Ministries. Dan Miller started this, out of the Grace & Truth Bible Church in Virginia.

“As a pastor, I’ve buried many people who’ve died from addictions. My wife and I prayed about this. And decided we needed to do something,” Miller said. “Hope is better than cope,” he added.

2B Free began about 15 years ago. The group meets on Thursdays at 6:30pm.

Scott Ortler is an assistant director of the program. “Seeing how God has taken people to victory, and changed them. And now they are reaching out and helping others. That brings so much joy,” he said.

The premiere of the documentary is Thursday, March 9th, at 7pm, at Grace & Truth Bible Church in Virginia. It is free and open to the public.

There will be a dinner catered by Kunnari’s prior to the showing at 6pm. Please call 218-404-0446 to RSVP for that.

For more info about the film: https://babybeaucefilms.com/

Smith said he went through the Minnesota Media Arts School, in partnership with the Minnesota Discovery Center.