Temple Israel to host performance of “The Great Jewish American Songbook”

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The congregation at Temple Israel just celebrated Yom Kippur. And now they are looking ahead to a big concert event.

They are opening their doors for Bill Hindin’s performance of “The Great Jewish American Songbook.”

“We wanted to do something to include the entire community that we can all enjoy and celebrate. And you really don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy Mr. Hindin’s show because he brings together a lot of the composers and the men and women who brought a lot of Jewish influences into major mainstream compositions,” explained Jack Seiler, a board member at Temple Israel.

Their Overman Hall has a new, state of the art sound system as well.

The show is for all ages.

Sunday, October, 15, at 1pm

Temple Israel, 1602 E 2nd Street

For tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bill-hindin-performing-the-great-jewish-american-songbook-tickets-716715313797

And the Temple is getting new pews this spring, thanks to an anonymous donor. So they are looking to donate their current ones, although not till April. Contact them at: 218-724-8857