Update: Structure fire at Papa Charlie’s restaurant considered a complete loss

Courtesy of Marianne Pierson
A structure fire at Papa Charlie’s happened approximately at 6:01 am on Saturday June 24th, moments before the Lutsen 99er. The Lutsen Fire Department responded immediately requesting mutual aid from other fire departments in Cook County. The Silver Bay FD and USFS responded also along with Lutsen First Responders, Tofte FD, Schroeder FD, Maple Hill FD, Grand Marais FD, NSH Ambulance, Arrowhead Electric and Como. Although suppression efforts were at a high level, unfortunately the building was considered a complete loss.
No cause of the fire has been reported, but according to a Facebook post the fire did impact the Lutsen resort’s systems. “All of our servers and network equipment were housed in that location, so resort communication will be limited until we can get that restored. We will update how this impact operations as we get more information.”
The Minnesota State Fire Marshall is the lead investigating agency and further details will be released as the process continues.
Also the Facebook post said no one was hurt during the fire. “We thank the six local volunteer fire departments that responded keeping the fire contained to the Papa Charlie’s building and keeping everyone safe.”
This is a developing story. For the time-lapse of the fire you can look at the Lusten camera here. For other stories in Lutsen you can read more here.