Strengthening Duluth’s outdoor recreation and tourism industry
Strengthening Minnesota’s outdoor recreation economy is the current objective for Minnesota’s DNR, DEED, Explore MN, and other partners.
MNDNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen, DEED Commissioner Steve Grove, and Explore Minnesota Director Lauren Bennett McGinty traveled to Loll Designs, and met with Mayor Emily Larson.
They talked about how sustainable, and environment friendly products strengthen Minnesota’s booming tourism industry and outdoor economy.
According to the latest data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Minnesota outdoor recreation generates $8.4 billion dollars in GDP.
Minnesota’s outdoor recreation also supports over 89,000 jobs, which is growing even more collaborative efforts.
Minnesota’s DNR, DEED, and Explore Minnesota met with Mayor Emily Larson, to talk about strengthening Minnesota's outdoor tourism and economy.
“We want to learn more and invest more in how our communities can grow from this in a sustainable fashion, but also how we can have people come and live like locals and experience all the things that everybody loves about Minnesota” said McGinty.
The leaders of MNDNR, DEED and Explore Minnesota talked about how important local manufactures and retailers are to Duluth.
Especially when outdoor recreation culture are the cornerstone to Duluth’s thriving economy.