Skyline Social & Games gears up for their Summerfest tournaments

Skyline is hosting their Summerfest volleyball and bean bag tournaments this Saturday, July 15th after record breaking demand for their summer leagues.

For volleyball the complex celebrated a record number of sign ups. Over 2,000 players across 360 teams signed up to play in their leagues. And the Summerfest acts as a chance for those who missed out on leagues to come and play at Skyline.

Brand Manager Megan Bell says, “We have 9 volleyball courts so we can fit about 50 teams for volleyball. And bags, we can definitely take up to 40 or more as well.”

Megan says that registration for bean bags (cornhole) is still open. And if you were looking to play in a volleyball tournament there’s open spots for their next tournament which is in August. ‘

The links to that information is listed down below.