Skyline Parkway safety ideas shared

Skyline Parkway safety meeting

Skyline Parkway safety meeting.

A fatal accident this spring on Skyline Parkway was the latest tragedy along that popular but problematic stretch of roadway.

Tonight the city of Duluth hosted a public meeting at Lincoln Park middle school to update the public on steps that are being taken to improve safety.

James Gittemeier is the Sr. Transportation Planner for the city of Duluth. He told WDIO News, “There have been some initial steps that have been taken to initially improve Skyline Parkway or do what we can to make it a little bit safer.” Gittemeier adding, “But tonight’s meeting was about some bigger things that we can do this summer or fall to really make it a safer corridor for all users.”

There was a large turnout Monday night and Gittemeier said a wide range of possible safety ideas were brought up.

“We had feedback about converting Skyline Parkway from two-way to one-way, particularly a lot of debate over do we go west to east as a one-way or east to west. And then we heard discussion a lot about slowing the car traffic down, options from putting in some kind of rumble strips or narrowing the traffic lanes, to a whole variety of ways we can get the traffic slowed down.”

Gittemeier says they will take all the information gathered at the meeting and begin to make changes right away this summer, especially in the Enger tower overlook area. Then he says they will implement safety improvements along other sections of Skyline Parkway moving forward.