Report: Duluth tourism tax dollars nearly $14 million in 2022

It’s a nice sunny weekend for a spring break trip for the Werners from Green Isle, Minnesota.

Carly shared, “We love getting out of town and coming to Duluth It’s beautiful in the spring time when it starts to warm up.”

She and her husband have been coming here since they were dating. Now, they bring their two boys, Marty, 5, and Mo, 3.

“Marty loves to watch the boats,” Jared told us.

Both boys enjoyed the pool.

Visits from families like the Werners really add up for the tourism industry.

The city just released the the 2022 numbers for tourism tax dollars. They came at nearly $14 million dollars.

Hotels are seeing an 11% boost in revenue compared to 2021, and over 18% compared to 2019.

At the Lift Bridge Lodge, they are excited to see the guests return.

Janelle Mussman, General Manager, said, “The start was a little slow. But the summer was really good for us. Bentleyville can be hit and miss, depending on the weather. But overall, it was a good year. And we’re looking forward to having an even better year.”

They are going through a transition, as they used to be the Comfort Suites. Now they can focus on more of the Canal Park history.

Another family we met, the Hagels, love coming to Duluth. Brycen and his dad, Joey, made this stop due to some hockey travel.

Joey said, “We just like the views. It’s beautiful every time we come here. And being able to see such a big lake, that doesn’t freeze over, is cool. We can’t wait to bring the new baby here.”

The report from the city said Duluth hotels led in occupancy in 2022, along with Bloomington.