Project Joy donates to Damiano Kids Kitchen, prepping for Channel Your Flannel event Friday

Project Joy Donates to Damiano Kids’ Kitchen

Project Joy was proud to donate $10,000 to the Damiano Kids' Kitchen on Monday.

Project Joy continues the mission to help feed hungry kids.

On Monday, they dropped off a $10,000 check to the Damiano Kids Kitchen.

The money will help pay for snacks and homemade meals for kids.

Project Joy was founded in honor of the late Patrick Plys, who lived by the motto, ‘I choose joy.’

They contribute to a variety of organizations, like the Damiano, Union Gospel Mission, and the Duluth YMCA.

Their annual fundraiser is coming up on Friday. It’s called Channel Your Flannel. Enjoy food, entertainment, games, and more, from 5pm-9pm at the Duluth Curling Club. Tickets are $30.

Check out their Facebook page: