New turf being installed for Northwestern Tigers

New turf for Northwestern Tigers being installed

Crews are installing new turf for the Northwestern Tigers.

Crews are making good progress on a new turf field at the Northwestern High School.

The old one was 16 years old, and they should really be replaced after about 10 years, according to school leaders.

The team is excited. Logan Jones, the quarterback, told us, “It’s a lot softer, and safer to land on. I feel like you can run faster, you don’t sink as much.”

It should be ready to go by the end of next week, according to Maple Superintendent Karl Morrin.

Coach Jovin Kroll said it’s a relief knowing the players will have a facility they deserve. “We are so grateful.”

Cenovus Energy stopped by with a $50,000 check for the project.

For some of the leaders, this project is personal. They live in the area or used to go to school here.

Luke Schulz, an optimization engineer for Cenovus, used to play football here as well. “It’s honestly a great feeling. It’s really full circle for me. And to be able to make it safer for the players, in a sport that was so impactful when I was their age, it means a lot.”

And Tim Thom, senior manager of technical services, added, “I’ve lived in the Maple School District for 25 years. It’s so great we were able to give $50,000 for the field.”

There are other supporters as well. And students have made a new gate for the field.