New MMIR & MMIW license plates

In an effort to raise awareness for missing and murder indigenous women and relatives- The Bois Forte Band and the Fond Du Lac Band launched tribal MMIR & MMIW license plates. They unveiled them Tuesday at the Black Bear Casino.

It’s a collaboration between tribes, along with State Senator Mary Kunesh who was instrumental in the creation of these license plates, “There are a few reasons why it’s so important that we have these license plates- our native women are murdered and go missing at the highest rate of any other population. Our relatives have been victims of terrible violence since colonization. A lot of people don’t understand it- they’re not aware of it.”

The state senator hopes that when the public sees these license plates- “I hope they send a prayer to the relatives who lost their loved ones. But also take responsibility and learn more about the issue.”

“We’re now being heard, and we’re now being listened to. One by one we’re taking them and they are getting addressed in a small way, but that will lead to bigger things,” Cathy Chavers, the Chairwoman of Bois Forte addressed the audience.