MN DNR: CWD sampling mandatory for Grand Rapids deer hunters

Deer hunting protocols for the Grand Rapids area have been released, and CWD sampling will be mandatory for all city hunt seasons.

The annual City of Grand Rapids special deer hunt begins with the start of the archery season on September 16. It continues through rifle and muzzleloader seasons, ending on December 31. New this year, all deer that are one-year-old or older that are harvested throughout this special hunt are subject to mandatory chronic wasting disease (CWD) sampling.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) says hunters have several options to fulfill these requirements, including the partner sampling program through participating taxidermists, self-service sampling stations, mail-in sampling kits, or by appointment at the DNR’s Grand Rapids office.

To date, two cases of CWD have been found in adult deer within Grand Rapids city limits.

Disease management and bonus permits are available for use in conjunction with the city hunt and will allow hunters to harvest up to five deer within city limits.

The city of Grand Rapids’ special hunt is administered by the Grand Rapids Police Department in partnership with the Minnesota DNR to reduce urban deer populations, the number of vehicle accidents, and damage to vegetation caused by high numbers of deer.

More information about the city deer hunt and allowed hunting zones can be found on the Grand Rapids Police Department’s webpage.