Mesabi Fit Coalition submits letter of intent for former YMCA building

A group of concerned citizens and friends are taking action to try and save the former Mesabi Family YMCA.

Mesabi Fit Coalition submitted a letter of intent Monday afternoon to the Y’s Board of Directors, indicating they want to negotiate a purchase price for the now vacant building.

The Y closed at the end of July, and the coalition feels that left a gap in fitness services for some members of the community.

Sharon Chadwick, chair of the coalition, said, “We are hopeful, a little scared, it’s quite the facility to manage. We’re mindful that we need to do things differently, to bring back the membership necessary to keep it going. We want it to meet the needs of the community today, and we want people to feel invested again.”

A good portion of funding for the facility came from Iron Range Resources, and the agency said they are working with the new coalition on a plan forward.