Marijuana is now legal but it’ll be a while before we start seeing it on local shelves

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Today, marijuana became legal for Minnesotan residents to smoke recreationally. That doesn’t quite mean you can walk up to your local cannabis store and buy what sellers call high potency marijuana.

Employees at Superior Cannabis Company walked us through the new law and when we might start to see cannabis on shelves. They say, its estimated to be around early 2025.

Employees say this is due to licensing and legalities that will come with time.

There are a few other things to note about the law, like you cannot own guns and smoke marijuana because it is illegal federally. You can only have two ounces on your person at a time and two pounds if you are storing it at home. You cannot operate a boat, ATV or vehicle if you are under the influence of marijuana. Don’t forget, driving high is a DWI.

However, since cannabis has been legal for medical use since 2014, and family business member, Abbi Brinkman says the plant has a lot of benefits. “I feel like honestly, the benefits from cannabis are endless. I would say one of the best ways I’ve seen it help people is pain management, just general quality of life. Everyone that works here has had some really beautiful in-depth conversations with people about what they’re going through in their lives, and it’s a very, very important thing for them to be able to have access to to this plan.”

Until they can get their recreational license, store manager Mahnomen Galvin says they will continue to sell low potency products like Delta-9, CBD and other products. She mentioned that all products are USDA organic certified and harvested using regenerative farming.

If you would like to know more about Superior Cannabis Company, they have information regarding their Austin location as well as information regarding the farm.