Man found guilty for 2019 murder in Makinen

(St. Louis County Jail)
The St. Louis County Attorney’s office said a jury has convicted a man for a 2019 murder.
J Nicholas Cramer is being held responsible for the death of Frank Gerald Meyer.
Authorities had said Meyer had been letting Cramer and Cramer’s wife stay on his Makinen property. But then had asked them to leave.
The St. Louis County Attorney’s Office extends their deepest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Meyer for their loss. Mr. Meyer was a loving father with natural artistic talent. Mr. Meyer’s last known words were a text message to his daughter saying “Love you”.
The County Attorney’s Office thanks Mr. Meyer’s family and friends for their patience and support from the beginning of this case to the end. The County Attorney’s Office also thanks the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for their thorough investigation of this complex case.
The case was prosecuted by Range Criminal Division Head Bonnie Norlander and
Assistant County Attorney Tyler Kenefick.
The sentencing for Cramer is set for May 12th at 9am.