Local filmmakers prepare for the Minnesota Film Festival in Duluth

Local filmmakers prepare for the Minnesota Film Festival in Duluth

Several local filmmakers are preparing to showcase their films at the upcoming Minnesota Film Festival in Duluth from April 3rd-7th.

Several movies are having their filming in Duluth and the Northland, because of the numerous incentives for filmmakers. The Minnesota Film Festival is one of many events where local filmmakers can showcase their work and also make film connections.

Vera Bianchini, the Minnesota Film Festival director said moviemaking is becoming more prominent in Duluth. The Minnesota Film Festival taking place at Zeitgeist Theater helps aspiring directors see their vision on the big screen.

“Right now we’re experiencing a film industry boom, and this is sort of our response to that. We need to work on educating our community members and uplifting our local and independent filmmakers,” Bianchini said.

The Minnesota Film Festival helps local filmmakers make connections for future film projects. Megan McGarvey, a local director will showcase her upcoming movie ‘On By’. The story is about four mushers as they embark on an epic 300-mile race from Duluth to Grand Portage.

“To be a local filmmaker and to have the film be local and have it be shown here in Duluth is such a surreal experience. Especially when it’s a hometown crowd. These people, they’ve gone to the race. They know the people that are in the film, I know the people in the community. It’s like a homecoming,” McGarvey said. “I’m so thrilled for people, these mushers, and everyone that’s involved in the race to have this opportunity to see the film and see it on the big screen.”

McGarvey said having her movie will be the final film at the end of the Festival. She said the film festival a great opportunity to inspire other people wanting to make films.

“It’s both an honor, but also it’s just a little spooky. I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, people are going to be in the theater watching it.’ It’s different from having people watch it maybe online or streaming or something like that,” McGarvey said. “But to be in a theater and to be in a room where you get to actually feel that energy and see those people respond to it is really exciting and it’s an absolute honor.”

For more information about the Minnesota Film Festival you can read more here. Also for other stories about the Minnesota Film Festival you can read more here.