Kennedy re-elected to Duluth City Council Fifth District post

Duluth voters have re-elected Janet Kennedy to the Duluth City Council Fifth District post in Tuesday’s election.

Unofficial results as of 10 p.m. Tuesday night showing Kennedy getting more votes than her opponent, Ginka Tarnowski.

Kennedy is in her first term on the Duluth City Council, and is currently serving as Council President.

Kenny is the first woman of African American Heritage to hold the position of Council President.

She is a mother of two and a grandmother of nine. A lifelong Duluthian, she has worked in the Physical Therapy field for twenty-five years and is a business owner.

Ginka stated she ran “Because my friends move away and can’t afford to come back. I’m running because I don’t know how much longer I can afford to live here. I’m running because Duluthians could have so much more at such a lower price than we pay now.”