Goats put to work on trail maintenance on the Spirit Mountain slopes

Goats help trail maintenance on the Spirit Mountain slopes

The Goats from Muddy Goat Farms have begun trimming the tree islands on the slopes of Spirit Mountain, eating up a variety of invasive plans.

The Goats from Muddy Goat Farms have begun trimming the tree islands on the slopes of Spirit Mountain, eating up a variety of invasive plants.

The idea started when Spirit Mountain Trail Manager Tom Straka brought the idea up to management he says they loved the idea of it.

The goats are an effective way to get and work in areas that other staff members can’t. Tom says, “And it’s just not cost effective for us to send people in there with weed whackers, chainsaws, or loppers to clear it all out.”

He also says that putting the goats to work is a more greener solution. Straka says, “Goats are a good way to go because we are not spraying any pesticides or herbicides on the ground. They are then naturally fertilizing back into the ground to help things grow.”

“It’s working two fold because it’s helping us on our feed costs and it’s helping Spirit Mountain by helping clear out these invasive plant species that we don’t want around,” Straka says.