Get kids outside for Winter Walk to school day

Picture of three little girls walking with backpacks (WDIO)
On Wednesday, February 7th, more than 60 Minnesota schools are expected to participate in Minnesota’s Winter Walk to School Day.
This annual event is expected to have hundreds of student participants and is sponsored by Minnesota Safe Routes to School. It encourages students and parents to get outside, increase their physical activity , reduce traffic congestion, and practice pedestrian and bicycle safety skills.
“Many schools across the state are struggling to hire bus drivers and are expanding their walk zones to address the gap. Winter Walk to School Day is a way to celebrate those students who need or want to walk to school. Walking to school is a great chance for kids to enjoy winter and the crunch of snow under their boots while spending quality time with a parent, friend, or their classmates during a walk this February.”
Kelly Corbin, MnDOT SRTS coordinator
Schools are invited to submit stories and photos to by February 16th to compete for the annual Golden Snow Boot Award.