First Lutheran will host best-selling author to launch their new Dialogue in Action series

Author coming to speak at First Lutheran Church

A best-selling author is coming to speak at First Lutheran Church, to help create dialogue about social justice.

First Lutheran Church of Duluth Foundation is inviting the public to the first in their FaithLoveCommunity – Dialogue in Action series.

Best-selling author and religious studies expert Dr. Robert P. Jones will offer insight into the historical context of prejudice and its consequences, with a particular focus on racial violence in Minnesota.

His New York Times bestseller, “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared American Future,” features the 1920 Duluth lynching of Elias Clayton, Elmer Jackson, and Isaac McGhie.

The event is free and scheduled for Wednesday, May 15th a the First Lutheran Church Sanctuary. 1100 E Superior Street.

Pastor Dianne Loufman will moderate. She told us, “We thought it would be a good way to contribute to the community and create a safe space to have crucial conversations on social justice issues. We hope to create understanding and inspiration to continue the mending work that is already happening.”

Doors open at 5pm. There will music from Erin Aldridge and Alexander Sandor at 5:30pm. Dr. Jones presents at 6pm, and then there will be a book signing and reception at 7pm.

Please pre-register if you can: