Duluth opens survey for racial bias audit

Duluthians now have a chance to share their perspective on policing in the City, with the launch of a racial bias audit. Residents can also make comments on the advisory body designed to strengthen trust between the Department and the community with this survey.
The survey is open through Sunday, April 16. Anyone age 16 and older who live in Duluth or spend a considerable time in the City are eligible to participate.
The City is looking for insight into BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community members’ interactions with officers, awareness of the Duluth Citizen Review Board, and opinions about the accessibility of the current complaint process. Feedback will help guide the final recommendations of the racial bias audit for DPD and City leadership.
The goal of the racial bias audit is to determine what the City’s police department does well, where it needs improvement, and what it needs to change in order to follow best practices in equitable policing and strong accountability measures
“This community survey is an essential part of the audit because it allows us to hear directly from members of the community and understand their opinions on police practices, oversight, and accountability,” says Dr. Katie Zafft, lead auditor of the CJI team. “The perspectives of Duluthians must be reflected in the audit for it to provide a fair assessment and effective recommendations for the future.”
Questions about the community survey or audit can be directed to either CJI at: Duluthaudit@cjinstitute.org, the Duluth Police Department at: DPD_PIO@duluthmn.gov, or the Racial Bias Audit Team at: rbat.duluth@gmail.com.