Damiano Center excited and energized by Give to the Max Day

Damiano Center excited and energized by Give to the Max Day

The Damiano Center is home to nine programs that are part of the center.

The Damiano Center is home to nine programs that are part of the center, and additional partners also work in the building.

They are excited to be receiving donations during Give to the Max.

“It’s just a great way for the community to come alongside and just support and say, We see you, we hear you, We want to help out because it is a partnership,” Seth Currier told us. He’s the Executive Director.

“There’s a lot of nonprofits out here doing really amazing work. But we can only can do it because of the community and because of individuals donating businesses, donating, foundations, supporting. And so it’s really a community effort. And so Give to the Max just kind of showcases that. And it’s special to Minnesota.”
