Controlled burns scheduled for today in Duluth

Today, May 4, the City of Duluth will be having controlled burns to manage three small pollinator meadows owned and managed by the City. These are established pollinator meadows located along the Old Hartley Road and Soapbox Knoll in Hartley Park, as well as at the western end of Waabizheshikana: The Marten Trail near 94 Spring Street.
Controlled burns, also known as prescribed burns or prescribed fire, is a land management strategy that uses the controlled application of fire to support healthy ecosystems. In this case, the goal of the burn is to reduce undesirable and invasive plants in these meadows, such as purple loosestrife and buckthorn, and encourage the re-growth and vitality of native perennials and grasses, such as little bluestem and black-eyed susan.
The prescribed burn contractor has determined that the conditions are favorable today for the burns to take place; criteria were set forth in a burn plan prepared by the contractor and approved by the Duluth Fire Marshal to ensure safety in these controlled burn exercises.