Concerns about potential closure of C.A.R.E. Carlton prompts day long rally

Rally in Carlton for C.A.R.E.

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Workers at C.A.R.E. Carlton are concerned about their future, with a proposal from the governor set to close them by July 1st.

The 16-bed facility is for women only, and only women can work there. It’s a residential substance use disorder treatment services center.

“C.A.R.E. Carlton is the only state-owned women’s facility in Minnesota,” shared LPN Tarajee Goorhouse. “Many women suffer from trauma from men. This is deeply personal to me and my co-workers.”

Becky Differding, another employee, added, “Sometimes clients don’t do well in co-ed facilities. When they are here, they can focus on healing and their recovery, without being worried about being judged by men.”

In a letter to the staff last month, state leaders said the need for more psychiatric hospital beds is at a crisis point. So they are looking at ways to reallocate resources to better meet the demand. That includes closing C.A.R.E. Carlton.

On Monday, staff and union supporters rallied in front of the facility. Workers are part of AFSCME Local 1092.

According to the state, staff would be offered positions at other programs, like the sex offender program at Moose Lake.

Local lawmakers visited on Friday last week. Representative Natalie Zeleznikar said closing C.A.R.E. Carlton would be unacceptable. Representative Jeff Dotseth also opposes the closure.