Cloquet Police Department extends flood warning near Scanlon

The Cloquet Police Department has extended it’s flood warning to 10:00am Monday Morning.
They say this is all due to the flooding in the forecast and the flooding already happening around the St. Louis River in Scanlon.
In a release the department says, “At 10.5 feet, Minor flooding occurs of low areas adjacent to the river near Cloquet city park and near Scanlon. At 14.5 feet, Flood waters enter buildings near River Gate Road if unprotected”
They also mentioned – At 6:30 PM CDT Sunday the stage was 13.5 feet. – Recent Activity…The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 6:30 PM CDT Sunday was 13.6 feet. – Forecast…The river is expected to fall below minor flood stage early morning Sunday, April 23 and continue falling and remain below flood stage. – Flood stage is 10.5 feet. – Flood History…This crest compares to a previous crest of 13.9 feet on 04/23/1979.”
Flood safety information can be found here.