Check out Iron Range Construction Career Night
Construct Tomorrow gives students a chance to meet contractors and try the trades. And now, the event is expanding to include the public.
“Instead of a one day event, we’re making it a two day event!” explained Dave Cook, Career Counselor for JET, the Northeast MN Office of Job Training.
On Monday the 17th, come check out the Iron Range Construction Career Night at the Eveleth Curling Club. It runs from 5:30-7pm, and is free and open to the public.
Walk a beam like the Ironworkers, lay some bricks, or hammer some nails. Plus you can try simulators to try operating heavy machinery or welding.
“The trades workforce is aging,” explained Renee Prout, Outreach Specialist for JET. “There is a need in every trade out there.”
The students will have the main area on Tuesday.