Brett Taber presents at UMD Distinguished Speaker event

Brett Taber presents at UMD Distinguished Speaker event

Brett Taber presents ""More than a Game: Inspiration and Impact Created Through the Power of Sport." at UMD.

As part of their fall Distinguished Speaker Series, UMD’s Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE) hosted the Vice President of of Social Impact for the Minnesota Vikings, Brett Taber.

Held at the Weber Music Hall, Brett Taber spoke about “More than a Game: Inspiration and Impact Created Through the Power of Sport.”

“What I do for the Vikings organization, which is leverage the amazing platform that sports has to create an impact in our communities. So how are we intentional and authentic about who we are as an organization and how any organization is to make measurable change in our communities around key social issues affecting the people that we serve. So hopefully that was a lesson that we were able to share not only to the faculty members but to the students that are here today as well,” said Taber.

Brett Taber has been with the Vikings organization since 2007 and also serves as the executive director of the Minnesota Vikings Foundation.