Border Town Betties empowering women and supporting Superior

Who are the Border Town Betties

Border Town Betties empower women while supporting the town of Superior.

The Border Town Betties is a social club of women who appreciate vintage fashion and the pin up community. The main goal of the group is building female relationships and women empowerment.

Becky Scherff, the Founder of the Border Town Betties, said anyone is more than welcome to join the club. “Women empowerment is really what got us together. Gender does not matter to be a Border Town Bettie. Everyone can be a Bettie; anyone could hang out with us,” Scherff said. “The main point is to support our community and uplift and empower each other.”

The Border Town Betties is a social club that gets with other nonprofits all over Superior and even into Duluth. One of the Betties recent events was Zenith City Horror’s Drag Revue at Black Bear Casino. “One of our biggest focuses is supporting the queer community through arts and culture, and we also love to collaborate with Zenith City Horror,” Scherff said. “We’re just happy to be a little small part of it. We’re helping out by collecting tips for the performers and just being here to support our friends in this huge, monumental moment.”

Not only do the Border Town Betties help non-profit organizations, they also help support local small businesses in the Twin Ports. “We try to have our meetings at different small businesses in Duluth-Superior so that we can spend money there and support our community,” Scherff said. “That’s huge to us.”

The Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center is also one of the main hang out spots for the Border Town Betties.

“We also do a lot of events with veterans organizations and our community. The Bong Center is one of our favorite places to collaborate with,” Scherff said. “Being a World War Two museum, it’s all about 1940s and things about the 1940s, which is where kind of culture was born out of.”

The next Border Town Betties event is an Emo Prom Night on Saturday October 7th at Superior’s historic old post office. For more information about the Border Town Betties you can visit their website at