Black Woods Blizzard Tour organizers remain optimistic for 2024 ride

Staff members with the Black Woods Blizzard Tour provided an update on current plans for the annual snowmobile ride for ALS amidst a string of event cancellations due to lack of snow and unseasonably warm weather.

“We are doing Blizzard Tour preparation as planned. We are planning on doing the full ride,” explained staff member Sandy Judge. “As we’re all aware the weather hasn’t been the best, but we just need two thing to happen.”

Those two things are additional snowfall and cooler temperatures, both of which Judge said she felt good about.

The ride is scheduled for the weekend of February 7, however, organizers for the tour are prepared to make changes if the weather dictates.

“There’s been a couple years I remember where there was no snow and then we get busses and we bus up there and we just have a good time on the way, stopping perhaps to go curling or bowling,” Judge said. “Our main contingency here is to raise money for people living with ALS.”

Julie Jacobson, another staff member with the tour, explained that all those who give their time and money understand that the ride isn’t the most important thing, but why people ride.

“All of these people that are participating in the Blizzard Tour, you know, a lot of them know somebody that has had ALS or currently has ALS and they are all there for that reason,” explained Jacobson. “So, regardless if we’re riding on a sled or riding on a bus together, they’ve all raise this money for the Blizzard Tour and that’s the main point of everything.”

As of January 5, nearly $1 million has been raised for the Blizzard Tour.

Additional information on the event and how to donate can be found here.