A partnership focused on investing in communities is bringing more opportunities to a local group in Duluth

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Investing in the community was on full display on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at Community Action Duluth with a partnership with Spectrum.

The business provided Community Action Duluth with 50,000 dollars to support its job training program with a new technology lab.

“Spectrum, community center assist works with community centers on those job training and workforce development programs,” said Director of Communications for Spectrum Wes Shirley.

“By funding $50,000 to Community Action Duluth, they’ll be able to supplement the already great work that they are doing in the community. Helping folks find jobs, get training and do whatever developmental things that they need to do to become productive members of society, and ultimately boost and benefit the Duluth community, stated Shirley.

Having reliable broadband service is not always accessible, but with this collaboration, Shirley expresses that it will get a little easier.

“Over the last several years? If we have learned anything at all, having access to high-speed, reliable Internet is so important. That is a great benefit to have that is fast and reliable broadband. So not only the employees and volunteers here at the center can utilize it, but also all the program participants who come here and take part and all of these wonderful programs that occur.”

The partnership also includes Spectrum providing 25 new chromebook laptops, a smartboard, and one gig of service for the lifetime of its job training and other programs.

“It will also open it up to other community members who do not have access to computers that do not have access to certain technology. So leaving the door open for more community collaboration for them to come in and be innovative in the work they need, resume help studying, and anything else. The possibilities are endless, said Executive Director at Community Action Duluth, Classie Dudley.

Community Action Duluth Education Coordinator echoed the importance of having opportunities in areas where people seek services, and training is important.

“It is going to allow us the ability to reduce barriers for people. Currently, we send people kind of around town to do things that now they will be able to do here, right in our own space, the space that they are comfortable with because they have relationships with people here.”

When companies invest in communities, the results of those partnerships can turn into bright futures for all involved and bridge the gaps to make way for new possibilities.

“I think that it is incredibly important! I think that we can reach what is now an untapped workforce for these companies and organizations in the city. Investing in programs like this is essentially investing in themselves and their future because we are helping people gain skills that are going to be what employers want,” said Hellerude.

Spectrum is focused on improving 100 community centers and serving around 50,000 local residents by 2025.