Students help clean up Superior for Earth Day

Volunteers from across the Northland gathered at locations across Superior Monday, April 22 to help clean the city’s parks for Earth Day. Around 50 students from Lake Superior Elementary School and Northwestern Middle School did their part to help beautify Wade Bowl Park.

“It’s just nice that we get to come out here and do it, just help,” explained 8th grader Claire Ormston. “You never know if some kids just want to run in the field and they’re running in all this trash. But, we cleaned it up so they don’t have to.”

“Littering is such a big thing, especially, like, cigarettes,” added fellow 8th grader Ava Arseneau. “People just throw them out their car.”

Megan Högfeldt, a water resources specialist with the City of Superior, was also in attendance and explained that seemingly small efforts can make a difference.

“Pollution prevention is a big part of my role with the city of Superior and clean-ups are a great way to protect our waterways,” said Högfeldt. “Simply picking up one cigarette butt can help to reduce the polluting of a thousand liters of water.”

Högfeldt encouraged people to keep those little efforts in mind all year round and not just on Earth Day.