Fudge for Troops promotion at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Through the end of September, the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory store in Duluth is running their annual “Fudge for Troops” promotion to benefit U.S. Military Personnel from the Duluth area who are serving overseas. The store is teaming up with the Pine City Blue Star Mom Chapter #16 to provide free fudge for care packages to be sent to service men and women stationed outside the U.S.

For every customer who purchases one pound of fudge at the Canal Park store, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory will send a free matching pound of their hand-made fudge to our troops overseas.

“This is a continuation of a very popular promotion that we started in 2010. Customers can enjoy a sweet experience and support our troops,” said local store owners Debbie and Michael Bolen. “It will be a small way for us to show some appreciation to the troops who do so much for all of us.”

The care packages will be sent out in time for the holiday season.

Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, located at 395 South Lake Avenue, is a franchised gourmet chocolate store specializing in store made fudge, handmade chocolates, caramel apples, dipped strawberries, and gift boxes of candy.

The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-profit service organization supporting our military children while promoting patriotism. They are made up of the mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military.