Duluthians call for ceasefire resolution

City Council meeting filled with calls for ceasefire

Dozens of Duluthians spoke at Monday's City Council meeting to call for a ceasefire resolution.

The City Council room was packed at Monday night’s council meeting, with many there to express their concerns for the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

“The issue of a cease fire is local, it affects our families here in Minnesota,” said Duluth resident Laila Davis. “In a representative democracy, I can’t change policy directly. I rely on my elected officials to make those decisions for me. This is the most local unit of government to whom I can speak.”

Dozens of Duluthians spoke at Monday’s meeting in favor of a ceasefire resolution. One of the issues brought up was the use of federal tax dollars for military aid in Israel.

“I want to see my tax dollars support issues such as housing, health care and education here at home,” said Duluthian Biz Sorenson. “I’m here today to not only demand that this council take action to help deliver a cease fire, but also to ensure lasting peace by calling for an end to military and financial support for Israel.”

Many have been sending Duluth City Council letters for weeks about this issue with the belief that passing this resolution would combine with similar resolutions passed in other cities to increase the pressure on politicians.

“I am frustrated with the lack of response from Joe Biden, Amy Klobuchar, Tina Smith, Peter Stauber regarding repeated requests from me, and for many of us, I’m sure here for a cease fire and an end to the genocide in Gaza,” said an unnamed Duluthian at the meeting. “I am hoping that a resolution initiated at the grassroots level here in Duluth has joining with some of the others that have already passed will be more effective because individual responses have not been.”

A ceasefire resolution is currently not on the City Council agenda.