Duluth Police Department alerts of “High Risk Predatory Offender” release

The Duluth Police Department has notified that public that a “High Risk Predatory Offender” has been released from prison.

Westley Gordon Vandell, 53, was released on Wednesday.

According to the Duluth Police Department, “Westley Vandell has a history of engaging in sexual contact and conduct with female teenagers. Contact included penetration. Conduct included video recording the offenses. On many occasions, Vandell provided teenagers with alcohol prior to offenses.”

The department continued, “This individual has served the sentence imposed on them by the court and is transitioning into the community. This notification is not intended to increase fear but rather raise awareness. Law enforcement believes that an informed public is a safer public. The Duluth Police Department may not direct where this individual does or does not reside, nor can this agency direct where he/she works or goes to school.”

The Duluth Police Department can be reached at 218-730-5400.