Zebra mussels discovered in Ely Lake

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Zebra mussels have been discovered in Ely Lake, near Eveleth.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources made the announcement after conducting an underwater scuba search, prompted by a report from a lake property owner.

The DNR said their search revealed zebrra mussels under rocks several hundred yards from the site of the initial report.

According to the DNR, zebra mussels can compete with native species for food and habitat, cut the feet of swimmers, reduce the performance of boat motors and cause expensive damage to water intake pipes.

To remove or kill an invasive species from a watercraft, the DNR recommends taking one or more of the following precautions:

  • Spraying watercrafts with high-pressure water.
  • Rinsing watercrafts with very hot water (120 degrees for at least two minutes or 140 degrees for at least 10 seconds).
  • Drying watercrafts for at least five days.