Wisconsin prep boys basketball brackets released

The prep playoff brackets for Wisconsin boys basketball have been released. Listed below are some local Northland pairings, click on the links for the full brackets.

In Division 1, sixth seeded Superior will host 11th seeded Wausau West Friday March 4 at 7pm.

In Division 2, 4th seeded Rice Lake will host #5 Tomah March 4.

In Division 3, also March 4 at 7pm, second seeded Northwestern will host the winner of #10 Spooner versus 7th seeded Somerest on March 1.

In Division 4, #9 Shell Lake will visit #8 Chetek-Weyehaueser March 1.

Division 5 action also tips off Tuesday March 1. Fourth seeded South Shore hosts #13 Butternut, and third seeded Solon Springs welcomes #14 Lac Courte Oreilles.