Vinyl continues to make a major comeback

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Cds and music streaming services are some of the top ways that people listen to their favorite song or artist. But, there’s another medium that’s gaining traction as well, vinyl records!

"A lot of kids in my generation, especially, have just been collecting vinyls. It seems to sell better than cds have," said the Local Retail Manager at Collectors Connection Dominick Briggs.

Music lovers, now more than ever, noticing the appeal of physical media. “The nostalgia of holding a vinyl record. The feel, the sound, says Tepler. Vinyls have more of a warmer tone to them. Cds have more mechanical.” Evan Telper is the owner of Round Here Records Duluth.

Telper, brining the physical media to Pizza Luce in Duluth at a pop-up record store evert. And sure enough the costumers came into the restaurant to see what was available.

When it comes to buying vinyls, you get more than music from an artist. Briggs expresses it is like owning a piece of artwork saying, “You can display it, put it out in your house, and it is like a conversation piece. You can talk to your friends about your favorite album."

On the flip side, some people will buy the vinyl simply for the artwork. It is like seeing the world of the artist’s music come alive on the covers. "Quite often actually, I do it myself too where I see a cover of a vinyl-like a cool piece of artwork, and I am like, I need to own that, stated Briggs. You do not see that on CDs! It is such a small little cover as opposed to a vinyl that is a giant work of art.

It is something about vinyl records that can bring back memories. "Everybody is looking for all that nostalgia, something that they may have had as they were growing up, or they want to hear it in a different medium, mentioned Tepler. Having it relatively available in this format throughout the decade is beneficial to being able to listen and enjoying it that way.”

From the looks of everything when it comes to those vinyl records, they have made their comeback and not going away anytime. The biggest day for collectors is coming up on April 23rd. Record store day is allowing exclusive vinyl to be sold at record stores across the nation. To find out more, contact your local record store to see if they will be participating in Record Store Day.