UPDATE: Wildfire burns on Isle Royale

ISLE ROYALE, Mich. – A wildfire is burning on the east end of Isle Royale, Michigan, the island about 35 minutes from Grand Portage, Minn. in Lake Superior. According to the Isle Royale National Park service, the Horne Fire is approximately 200 acres in size and is now 15% contained.

The Park Service says the fire began on Sunday near the shore of Duncan Bay by the Tobin-Duncan Portage. The fire is being monitored by Park staff.

Park officials say due to ongoing drought conditions and elevated levels of fire danger, closures of campgrounds, trails and docks are being put into place.

Closed areas effective immediately:

  • Lane Cove Trail and Campground
  • Greenstone Ridge Trail East of Mount Franklin Junction
  • Mount Franklin Trail between the Greenstone Ridge Trail and the Tobin Harbor Trail (the 1/2 mile section of the Mount Franklin Trail between the Tobin Harbor Trail and Rock Harbor Trail will remain open as conditions allow)
  • Duncan Bay Campground and Dock
  • Duncan Bay/Tobin Harbor Portage Trail
  • Duncan Narrows Campground and Dock
  • Tobin Harbor Dock (with the exception of the seaplane dock for the concessions seaplane operation as conditions allow)
  • Hidden Lake Dock
  • Hidden Lake Trail and Lookout Louise
  • Merritt Lane Campground and Dock
  • Stoll Trial and Scoville Point
  • Cross-Country Camping Zones 8, 9, 10, 11, 34, 35, 36 are closed for camping as well as cross-country day use
  • Other areas if directed by fire personnel

The fire status will be continually evaluated as conditions change.

Follow the progress of the Horne Fire and other Current Conditions at the park.