Up North: Parents and children bonding during deer season

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With Minnesotan deer season officially beginning its the time of year to reconnect with people you haven’t seen in quite a while. John Chalstrom, owner of Chalstrom’s Bait and Tackle had this to say about seeing hunters come back through his doors.

" It has been good, really good to see the customers you only see a certain time a year. A lot of those people I see this time of year I haven’t seen since this time last year so its good."

The start to this new season not only opens the doors for veteran hunters but also fresh faces, ready to make new memories.

On the Minnesota, Wisconsin border it was Sami Grosnicks second time hitting the woods, but first time coming out of the trees with a deer.

"I’ve been going with my dad many times but this is my second year shooting. My dad saw the deer so we had to rotate in the stand because I wasn’t facing the deer. So I lined it up and then I shot. It jumped and then it fell so it was a good shot," exclaimed Grosnicks.

Even if you don’t end up with anything at the end of the day. Hunting is meant to be a time of fun memories made with family and friends.

Grosnicks ended by saying, "right away I was super happy that I didn’t have to be like nervous if I got it or not. So me and my dad were very excited. It’s a good bonding time for me and him. I have two younger sisters that don’t really hunt, so its just really fun to be out in the woods with him."