Up North: Full Moon Paddles on Lake Superior

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On the shores of Lake Superior Northlanders came out for the Full Moon Paddle put on by the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD).

Where sea kayakers were able to watch the sun set, and the moon rise right on the water.

“We started doing these in the fall and they were very popular with the students at UMD. So we thought, well, why not do it during the summer,” said instructor Pat Kohlin.

If your new to kayaking, not only is there top tear instruction but the boats, paddles, and safety equipment are all provided. The only thing participants have to bring is a headlamp.

“It’s coastal waters, so all the rules and regulations for watercraft on coastal waters we have to adhere to as kayakers. One of those is you need to have a white light after dark,” added Kohlin.

Lake Superior has all the challenges for any kayaker around the world, but mix that alongside the cold water and it makes for a great workout, along with experience.

“I think you can start at really any skill level. I had quite a bit of canoeing experience coming in and I think that helps a lot of the water sports. The same kind of ideas behind what you’re doing transfer over. Especially like here at UMD, we have programs for any level of kayaker, so as much as you want to get involved, you can do it,” claimed student instructor, Ashley Degenhardt.

“The open water, just going around the harbor there’s boats coming and going by and big ships. Just knowing kind of where you are, the history of Lake Superior is what I really like about it,” concluded Jonathan Book, UMD student kayaker.

The next time the full moon is set to rise over the lake is August 10th. Registration is already open for the next event, to sign up click HERE.