Tips on how to handle the holiday blues

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The global pandemic has made the holiday blues even worse for many people, according to therapist Katie Erickson.

"A lot of people have more grief this time of year," she shared. "Feelings of depression and anxiety come up, and we get more calls between Thanksgiving and January 1st than any other time of the year."

She works at the Duluth Counseling Center. She said it’s important to acknowledge how you feel, and that it’s OK not to be feeling the same as others, especially when you look at social media posts.

Erickson also advised to get as much sun as possible, which can be hard in the Northland.

Other advice includes getting good sleep, exercise and eat as healthy as you can, so you don’t have to dig yourself out of a huge hole on January 1st.

As for the topic of mental health, it is coming up more in conversations.

"People are talking about it more. And getting more help. They’re telling loved ones at Thanksgiving or Christmas that they are seeing a therapist, or are struggling. And it’s great to see people acknowledging mental health like they would a broken bone. We’re not there yet, but we’re certainly moving in the right direction," she added.