Thompson brings praise, thanks to Superior

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One week before his last day as University of Wisconsin System President, Tommy Thompson made a stop in Superior Friday.

The four-term Wisconsin governor and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary has been serving as the interim UW System president since 2020.

One of his initiatives was to increase the university’s role in economic development. In Superior, he visited a new business development one-stop site in the old post office that will do just that.

"I wanted all the universities, chancellors to start thinking about how we can do joint ventures and getting more economic development at our campuses and in the community so we can grow, because we’ve got to grow. There’s no question about it,” Thompson said.

Thompson had high praise for Superior leaders and the northern Wisconsin community during his visit, saying he was here to say “thank you.”

"You have one of the finest chancellors in the system, and she is just an absolute star and it’s great to have somebody with her capabilities and leadership style to be able to lead this wonderful campus up here,” Thompson said.

"I love this area, I love to be up here. I think the people up here are absolutely outstanding. It’s fun to come back," he said.

Thompson said retirement is bittersweet.

He has several more campuses to visit before his final day on March 18.