The rise and falls of the Gooseberry River

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The Gooseberry River is by far the most gorgeous and popular destination for locals and tourism all year long.

The water levels are usually still fairly high during this time. However with a summer of drought the last few months the levels have decreased.

The flow of the water in the river is very constant until it reaches the mouth section of Lake Superior. Depending of the wind factor or if there is a lot of debris and rocks in the direction of the water, the flow of the water can slow down very quickly.

Park manager nick explains more why the level increase and decrease at times. "The generally the most water that comes over the falls happens in the spring time once the snow packs start to melt. The water levels will increase quite a bit and that level will generally stay up through most of the summer. In late august, early September is when well generally see our lowest water amount."

If you can brace the start of winter weather, right now is a good time to go and visit gooseberry.