The City of Duluth has 25 openings on various boards and commissions

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The City of Duluth has 25 openings on various boards and commissions to fill by March 1st.

Alicia Kozlowski, the Community Relations Officer for the City of Duluth, said serving in one of the open positions is a great way to make an impact on the city.

“They have a humongous impact,” she said of those serving. “They’re providing community based input. They serve in an advisory position. They hear appeals and they really help to drive innovative programs and really making sure we’re having that deep-rooted community based input in all the decision making that we’re doing.”

She said went on to say that they are openings in things like parks and recreation, public part, housing and redevelopment and much more.

Each position has different requirements and commitments.

More information on each opening and how to apply can be found here.